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Női♥Esség Women’s Association

With a little extra - womazing women unite women's strength and give support to each other in a changing world

“A man is what he does for others, for everyone.”

(Szabó Magda)

Karárcsony női vállalkozás

Perhaps it cannot be stressed enough how much change is happening in today’s modern world, and how much change is still to come. In the media we see a lot about everyday problems, wars, economic crises, pandemics, the rapid advances in technology and its impact on our lives, but little about how to turn change to our advantage. We believe that the creativity and caring energies of women are particularly needed in the world today.

Our association aims to bring together women in Hungary as follows:

What is our priority? Let’s set an example and take action!



Promoting Hungarian culture - presenting a series of exemplary women, giving space to artists. Promoting Hungarian artists and scientists on the international stage and co-working with international partners.

Társadalmi tevékenység

Social action

Following the good example of the old women's associations we support the vulnerable and disadvantaged people. We would like to remind you, that even in difficult times we can ask and receive help from each other.

A nők szellemi és testi egészségmegőrzésének promóciója

Promoting women's mental and physical health

Providing meaningful professional psychological support to women in distress: the number of abused and vulnerable women is increasing in Hungary. Let us help each other not only to listen, but also to move forward healthy and constructively. In addition to mental health, we also believe that exercise and body awareness are most important, because healthy body, healthy soul!


Environmental awareness

There is a reason why climate change is an issue everywhere. The association supports the creation of permaculture gardens and sites in cities and rural areas. We also pay attention to the greening of cities, preserving the values of Hungarian garden culture. The environmental education of the younger generation is also a priority.

Nőiisziv - Kis többlettel

With a little extra

Uniting women’s strength and giving support in a changing world

With a little extra - womazing women unite women's strength and give support to each other in a changing world

Womazing ajándék e-könyvek

Itt töltheted le az Énidőnk – Én és a vállalkozásom és a Hogyan írjunk frappáns szakmai bemutatkozást? ajándék e-könyveinket és a Womazing híreket és trendeket is itt küldjük majd Neked: